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Sunday 22 August 2010

How to look like Adam5001!

Follow these steps and youll look like me, Adam5001! :P
If any of you out there do this, send me a PM titled I look like Adam5001!
Here we go! :P
1.Buy Robot Ninja (Hat)-95 Robux
      2. Wear this head (Its the head that works with this outfit the most)
      3. Buy Magnabot and Robloxian 2.0 but only wear these parts from them.

      4. This is the Builders Club Hat. You can substitue it with any hat like it.
      5.Buy both my shirt and pants I set for 1 ticket each.
      6/Extra Credit: Buy the crowbar. My ultimate weapon.
      Well there you have it! Go out and look like me, Adam5001!

    Friday 20 August 2010


    Hi people its me halono, I want to thank my friend littleskooba for donating me money to help my group thank you littleskooba

    Also if you want to join his group type: N.A.V.I

    THIS IS littleskooba!

    Hey Guys

    Hi! Today we added two new features! We added the blog search bar above, and we added the make this site your homepage bar to the side!

    Have fun!


    Hey guys its me halono, giving you a sneak peak of our new logo me and Adam5001 made it i made the golden R he drew Flatafloets head my chest and his legs isnt it awsome!


    this is our first reader!


    Hello I am halono telling you readers alittle secret, we have our own hq now in roblox

    here is Flatafloet!
    thx to Flatafloet we have the HQ and there we will put all our marketing ideas

    Timed Items

    This is the Outlawed Vampumatiger Hybrid.RAWR!
    This is the Bling $$ Necklace.
    What is your favourite timed item?
    by halono
    edited by Flatafloet

    New Version of items!

    ROBLOX has brought out a new type of item! A timed item, this item will only be on sale for a small amount of time. The first item was Bling $$ Necklace my favourite timed hat is the Outlawed Vamputiger Hybrid whats yours?

    Thursday 19 August 2010

    Welcome from Adam5001

    Welcome Robloxians! I am Adam5001, leader of P.A.I.N Navy on Roblox. I am also the HTML editor of this website! Have fun!

    -Adam5001                      Image by- halono

    Hi and welocme to the website

    Hello I am halono, the image editor I can post images on any topic my charadcter is the first 1 with black uniform.

    I am the leadet of halono's P.A.I.N (duh) and a loyal robloxian we may actuly give u information on stuff that will go limited :)


    Welcome to info ROBLOX-24 this website is to keep you up too date with ROBLOX stuff, we may even reveal when a new limited itemis coming out! Before it comes out!

    contact us at: